
We are a small family business with a big passion for being as 'green' as possible.

  • We are careful about the suppliers we choose

    We are careful about the suppliers we choose

Since JCS Fish started twenty years ago, we have always committed to acting sustainably, but the things we need to do to make sure that stays true have changed considerably over the past two decades.

We encourage all our suppliers – both of fish and other goods - to adopt best practices to reduce their own climate impacts.  We source locally wherever we can to reduce mileage and are committed to buying environmentally friendly and certified products such as Fairtrade and Organic.

We're working hard to reduce our own environmental impact by cutting our use of energy and materials and optimising every part of every fish we use. We do not send waste to landfill. Our internal 'CSR Group' drives a continuous programme of improvement.

In recent years, we have been working to analyse our carbon footprint and adjust our working practices with the aim of becoming a carbon neutral business. Only by fully understanding our entire supply chain – from fish farms to delivery of products to the end user – can we make a real difference.

We have now successfully calculated every element of our carbon footprint, across every part of our business activity.  This allows us to set ourselves new goals and plans to drive it down further.

We are also certified to the highest Green Level with the Investors in the Enivornment Accreditation 

  • “Big or small, all businesses need to take responsibility for their environmental impact. That's why 'think green' has become an important part of all our workstreams.”

    Jack Coulbeck

    Commercial Manager and Eco Group leader


Do get in touch for more information about JCS Fish or our products.